Is the Brain in Full control ?

As far as I can tell, you are arguing for some kind of mind brain dualism.

Firstly, we need to clarify some terms. The brain is a lump of tissue between your ears. The mind, on the other hand, if more difficult to define, but a simple, though a shallow working definition of: "The mind is sum of your thoughts and memories" should do.

I will quickly argue that the mind is the product of the brain. Note: they are not the same thing, but one produces the other. Just as activity of legs can produce walking, the activity of the brain can produce the mind.

Evidence to support this: -100% of minds involve a brain. -Damage to the brain damages the mind. -Activity in the mind correlates with activity in the brain. -Directly activating the brain causes activity in the mind. - I can not think of any evidence which even begins to suggest that the mind is not the product of the brain.

Hence, I am happy to conclude, until new evidence comes along, that the mind is the product of the brain.

You go on and appear to say that because the brain cannot produce any state in the mind, then the brain is not producing the mind. This is not a reasonable argument. We can both agree that walking is the product of the activity of the leg. Okay, now move your leg such that you walk at the speed of light. Oh, you can't? Well according to your logic, that would mean the leg doesn't produce walking. The brain follows physical laws. The way that it is made, combined with physical laws dictates the way that is behaves. As the mind is the product of the brain, the mind too then is bound by physical laws. It so happens, because of the way that the brain is made, that your brain cannot (without outside input) get into a state that makes the mind happy. This fact no more invalidates the idea that the mind is the product of the brain than the fact that your leg cannot get into a state such that your walking moves you at the speed of light invalidates the idea that walking is the product of the leg.

/r/askscience Thread