BreakingPoints: The JFK papers, The CIA was directly involved in the murder of JFK.

I think it was elites trying to start a new world war between the two super powers. They had the most to gain, they always use wars as a way to get and keep power and make money. If it was KGB how did we not go to war? I have trouble thinking it was KGB because I don’t think the USSR would want a full scale war and taking out our President would have caused one. I think Oswald was trained CIA and got flipped to KGB and acted on his own/with his own team (or for elites that funded it). It was covered up because the fallout would have been possible nuclear annihilation. All the optics would have been bad. The US would have said it was the USSR because Oswald was an agent, but they wouldn’t have believed he acted independently (just like we don’t). Plus it would have been a global embarrassment that made us look weak compared to our main enemy (even though it was not them but just like the US citizens the world would not believe Oswald acted independently). Plus WW3. So I think they covered it up rather than admit one of ours got flipped to be one of theirs, then went rogue for them too and got funded by the shadow elites that shouldn’t exist to start ww3.

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