Paul Elam vs. "Based Mom" -- Is CHS "just another crypto-misandric privilege-seeking gender parasite?"

What's wrong with that?

you seemed to be implying that /u/gearydigit was lying about her being an equity feminist.

This excerpt doesn't seem congruous with what you said.

you are correct, she didn't say second wave feminism was the hijacking, just that the 60s was the beginning of when feminism was hijacked by 'gender feminists' and 'victim feminists' according to her own book.

and according to her own lecture

The dominant philosophy of today’s women’s movement is not equity feminism--but “victim feminism.” “Victim” feminists don’t want to hear about the ways in which women have succeeded. They want to focus on and often invent new ways and perspectives in which women can be regarded as oppressed and subordinated to men. When I criticize contemporary feminism it is this version, this perspective, that I have in mind.

the part you quoted comes right after she declares classical feminism (and thus equity feminism) is for fair treatment, respect, and dignity. this is the feminism that she feels informed second wave feminism, which took place from the 60s to the 80s

I am not here to urge you to reject old-fashioned classical feminism of the sort that won women the vote, educational opportunity and many other freedoms. I am a passionate supporter of that style of feminism, which I call equity feminism. An equity feminist wants for women what she wants for everyone—-fair treatment, respect, and dignity. Equity feminism promotes harmony and good will between the sexes and it can lead to a much saner, happier and more ethical world.

which is strange, because her own book has this to say:

In Sommers' view, gender feminism began to develop in the middle of the 1960s, partly as a result of the influence of thinkers such as Karl Marx, Jean-Paul Sartre, Herbert Marcuse, and Frantz Fanon. She points to Michel Foucault and his book Discipline and Punish (1975) as influences on Wolf and Susan Faludi, author of Backlash: The Undeclared War Against American Women (1991). Discussing the influence of feminists on college campuses, Sommers argues that in many cases feminist "consciousness-raisers are driving out the scholars". She adds that, "The gender feminists have proved very adroit in getting financial support from governmental and private sources" and "hold the keys to many bureaucratic fiefdoms, research centers, women's studies programs, tenure committees, and para-academic organizations. It is now virtually impossible to be appointed to high administrative office in any university system without having passed muster with the gender feminist".

so according to her, the second wave is when gender feminism and victim feminism was starting to ruin equity feminism because it was influenced by people she seemingly doesn't like. contemporary feminism is a continuation of that feminism, which was created during the second wave, which was influenced by equity feminism, which was a good thing. and many of the feminists who were influential during second wave, such as gloria steinem, are bad feminists (even though steinem founded the NWPC, a major driver during second wave, who later gave an award to sommers). she outright criticizes steinem in her book, and considers her to be one of the gender feminists.

so...she thinks the second wave was informed by equity feminism, and that it maybe did some good, but also blames the feminists of the second wave for leading to and being part of the gender feminism and victim feminism that she feels comprises all of contemporary feminism, which her entire lecture is critical of because she feels feminism has accomplished everything it needs to in the US and that feminists nowadays are making up their problems and pretending to be oppressed. which, again, is weird, because she claims equity feminism (and thus classical feminism) has to do with fair treatment, respect, and dignity. which are all things that contemporary feminism has to do with. but she feels contemporary feminism is wrong because all of these have been solved with only scraps remaining to be resolved:

Are things perfect for women? Certainly not. But they are not perfect for men either. The fact is the major battles of American women for equal treatment and opportunity have been fought and won. Yes, women are still struggling with how to balance family and work; yes, we need to find ways to get more young women interested in running for public office and entering fields like math, computer science and engineering. But for the most part the hard work of equity feminism in the 21st century now lies outside this country, in countries where women are truly oppressed.

the only places she feels equity feminism is needed are outside the US.

that, of course, isn't related to the question of the second wave. yes, i would agree, she doesn't explicitly state that the second wave was bad. just that the people leading it were bad, and that they created the bad feminism of today. and that they helped foster bad feminism during the second wave, while leading the second wave.

is that enough to support what geary said?

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