
Hello! I don't really know how to use Reddit to well so forgive me I mostly lurk around but I saw your post and figured I'd shoot you a pm. Im 19M from Texas and I'd like to take a hack at your list here.

  • Horror filmscheck
    I don't know why I watch them I get scurred
  • Netflix bingescheck
    Just finished parks and rec yeah I know I'm uber late
  • walks on the beachcheck
    Overcast beach with a light rain in Oregon is my jam
  • taking cat napscheck
    I don't nap often but the idea seems fantastic
  • making people laughcheck
    I like to laugh :D
  • listening to musiccheck
    I tend to like acoustic but I'm open to all types of music just whatever resonates with me
  • going on adventurescheck
    I love getting away from here and I do it whenever possible. I love hiking and kayaking a lot but my job takes up a lot of my time :/
  • Gaming (Especially Indie Games)check
    list of games I play/have played is to long :l
  • Magic The Gathering Never played it (I also googled how to do that :D)

  • someone who can make laugh
    I'm kinda shy when meeting new people but I seem to make people laugh most places I go

  • someone who is thoughtful and kind-hearted
    I don't really know tbh. I try to reciprocate any kindness shown to me

  • someone who I can talk about anything with, whether it's why the sky is blue, to who are the most evil politicians. Even if we disagree, I love intellectual arguments.
    This is the main reason your post stuck out to me I love talking to people about anything even if our opinions vary. I love seeing the differences in people and what makes everyone who they are

  • someone who isn't just looking for sex, nudes, or a FWB. That's just not my style. I'm not really a sexual person, unless it's with someone that I really care about. So if you're looking for a quickie, you'll have to look elsewhere.
    I'd definitely say I'm not a sexual person either which has actually gotten me a lot of shit at my job :c also I don't even know what a Fuck ????? buddy? is... Google tells me I'm dumb its friends w/ benefits

  • someone who can just, be there for me . I don't expect constant 24/7 communication, because we are all adults and have things to do.
    I still pretty young but I'd say that we have both had different experiences in our lives and could help each other out with whatever comes up in our lives
    Disclaimer: This is the first post I've spent this much time on and I feel like to fucked up the formatting so.... hope you could read the whole thing :D

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