[CA] Am I legally required to furnish other party with a copy of recorded video call?

HR is now framing my request for ADA accommodations as something I'm doing in response to a 'needs improvement' performance review. I was never told by my supervisor that my performance 'needs improvement' nor was I furnished with a copy of any of my performance reviews since I started working at the company over a year ago. HR is now trying to bully me into retracting my request for (ADA) accommodations because it -- HR -- has some narrative in its head that I'm trying to weasel ADA accommodations out of them in response to a 'needs improvement' performance review (something which was not communicated to me by my supervisor in my most recent performance review).

As my medical condition deteriorated over the past weeks due to some unreasonable (and likely illegal) demands by supervisors I could tell that my condition was worsening and that I wasn't working to the best of my ability hence why I requested ADA accommodations... to enable me to work to the best of my ability while still getting the medical treatment that I need to treat my medical condition which oftentimes greatly impacts my day-to-day abilities to function.

I was hoping to get the (not costly... literally less than $100 in cost) accommodations made so that I could work to the best of my ability, despite having a severe medical condition, but HR berated me -- in writing -- for my having to take additional time off (unexpectedly) because the accommodations were not yet in place when I returned to work recently, causing my condition to dramatically worsen.

From this exchange with HR I've learned that they don't want to help me get accommodations, that they have the impression (despite medical documentation to the contrary) that I'm 'not really disabled', and that they are willing to bully me, in writing, to try to get my to retract my ADA claim because they think I'm requesting special treatment in response to a (news to me!) 'needs improvement' performance review.

I'm not going to fold on my request for accommodations and I think it's time to lawyer up. Then in the future HR can send hostile, accusatory letters to my lawyer and not me lol and I can keep seeking treatment for, and trying to improve, my severe medical conditions for which I requested ADA accommodations in the first place.

If you know of any good ADA lawyers or ADA-related legal assistance websites for CA residents please do feel free to pass them along! :o) I'd greatly appreciate it!

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