It's called Vanity Sizing not fat phobia.

anorexia epidemic

There was no such thing. There was fear mongering about anorexia and watching to see if your kids were anorexic, but the rate of anorexia, bulimia and other eating disorders did not change. Even more stupidly, they rarely ever talked about bulimia during that whole panic which is far more common than anorexia.

After the baby boom (which was not when anorexic fear mongering was happening) there was an increase in the number of women hospitalized for anorexia, but there was also an increase in the number of people existing. Eating disorder percentages per population were still about the same.

The 'anorexia epidemic' is pretty much the same as the satanic cult panic. Which happened around the same time actually. We really liked panicking about weird shit back then.

The jocks and cheerleaders could likely eat more than you as they were very active (at least in every school I've been to they practice almost daily except weekends) - active people get to eat more calories. They weren't giving you the stink eye because it's so hard to stay skinny. They may have been giving you the stink eye because you were rudely clearly an entire buffet table that they hoped to eat off of too. Or you were imagining it. Or they just didn't like you since you called them jock idiots and thought they were all jealous of you.

Congrats, not a single thing you said reflects reality.

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