Wellness Wednesday

A common excuse (that I’ve used before, but thankfully when I used it, not badly enough to become obese, just because I don’t feel good when I eat badly enough to quickly become obese, yes it could happen gradually if I eat the wrong things):

“We can blame the system in the USA.”

Yeah, right, as a person with good eating habits other than when it gets out of hand because I’m not right in the head, being raised with good habits, and (mostly) healthy food but completely healthy eating patterns, food quality was probably a 7/10 over time and a 9/10 now, for my family, but a relationship with food that does not involve overeating, food things maybe but not overeating, more like a 9/10! (Few people were raised with no relationship with food, which is the best lol, but it was close)!

That is not the case for most people in the USA, and even then, that is a step ahead of countries where they are obese but not by choice…because of the food our country imported decades ago and still does, eeeww, horrible corrupt people in power importing junk to countries where they have no availability of healthy food, because the environment is a mess! Yes, they eat even worse than the USA, nutritionally, but morally, they do what they can—the USA doesn’t do what they can! It is very sad.

I cannot blame the system, not even close! If all you deal with that stops you from eating healthfully, are mental health issues, you are more than privileged!

/r/fatlogic Thread