Cam 1-on-1 with FOX: on losing Kelvin, growing up, winning and more.

Here is what he said in this interview on leadership and maturity:

".. I think, above all, what answers that is winning...I've seen terrible leaders win and I've seen great leaders lose but in the midst of it all those great leaders that lose are considered losers and those terrible leaders that win are considered great winners. So, what are we saying? The determining factor of all is if you win"

Great points on all sides - he should have just stopped there.

"So much gets swept under the rug.. or, I'm not saying be who you are but I get it, I'm part of the 1% of America but also I'm that position [QB] by default that has to be the leader. And I understand that what I do is amped even more, what I say is amped even more... People are always watching me whether it's positively or negatively - they're going to have something to say... I just can't let nobody else's impression or impersonation of me deter me of who I really am. I'm gon' be me. I just gotta find ways to translate the hard work that's being done off the field, on the field."

Nothing about what he said was wrong but he's clearly lacking some charisma. In contrast, here is what Drew Brees, an equal in professional stature albeit older and more mature quarterback, said during his Glazer interview on leadership after being asked about the Saints disappointing 2014 season:

“I took a hard look at myself, like I think we all did. First and foremost, we all have to take responsibility for what happened last year. I’ve got to ask myself, ‘What do I have to do this offseason to become a better player, a better leader?’ I took a look at my preparation habits, the way I work out, the way I recover. Every element of my game, I had to go through.”

Some may take this as an unfair comparison or me bashing Cam - say what you will. I'm just putting myself on the outside-looking-in and if I look at Brees interview and then Cam's, I'm thinking, "Wow, this kid still has some growing up to do."

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