Camp counselors of Reddit, what is the most NSFW thing you've seen happen at camp?

I was a counsellor at a camp long ago. There was a strata of employees younger than the counsellors that was called "Mothers Helpers." They were around 15-16 and the counsellors were more 17-18. See, the kids all lived at cottages across the road at night and the Mothers Helpers were like assistants to the moms and dads who were out partying and stuff while the kids were at home. But me, as a counsellor, I slept on camp grounds. They didn't like us interacting with the Mothers Helpers much, but some fraternizing happened. They just liked to keep it down to a dull roar because they didn't need an 18 year old counsellor impregnating a 15 year old Mothers Helper.

So one night I was wandering around to the counsellors' cabins just to see what they were up to. In one of them, where three male counsellors were living for the summer, they had one of the Mother's Helpers literally hog-tied on a bed, face down, ropes up to the rafters and down. Her shorts were pulled down and there was all sorts of magic marker writing on her ass. Every now and then they'd give her a spank. It was obviously consensual (though maybe right on the edge). Oh, and there's beer in the room... so obviously alcohol helped make this happen.

So obviously the "Dear Penthouse" version would have something wild and hot (and illegal, as I think she was 15) happen, but I'm only 16 myself at the time. And I'm thinking "There are about ten different kinds of dynamite that could blow, here." From the alcohol to the bondage to the potentially underage nature of what's going on... if things went wrong this would be on the evening news. I was also too young to really understand the complexities of "informed" consent and whether or not that was an issue here. Plus, the guys were also like 19 years old so I was wary of them beating me to death with their fists if I harshed their mellow.

I wished them a good night, closed the door, went back to my cabin, and said nothing more of it.

/r/AskReddit Thread