Camp counselors of Reddit, what is the most NSFW thing you've seen happen at camp?

A few years ago I used to be a counselor for boys aged 4-6. Now usually I would be lucky enough to get kids that were potty trained and I never had any real problems with them going to the bathroom. Them being boys and the bathroom being on the other side of camp maybe a kilometre away, I would usually tell them to just go in the bushes (Note** I wasn't allowed to let them do that but I was a lazy 16 yo). Well this one day wasn't so simple, one of my kids, let's call him Patrick (just moved from China, so his English was very poor) tells me he has to go. I tell him go in the bushes and he refuses and demands the real bathroom. The bathroom at this camp was the grimiest thing you could imagine, worse than the worst public bathroom I've ever been to. So I take him into the bathroom and open a stall for him and wait outside. Now the rule is especially with little kids always make sure you have witnesses see you when you take a kid to the bathroom for obvious legal reasons. This being the only bathroom I start talking to this girl outside the bathroom who I was friends with. I hear a kid (not Patrick) yell, "Natalie help please!", from inside the bathroom and she goes in to see what's up. Then Patrick yells, "eyerobot4 I need help", so I was in and I saw him literally straddling the toilet, pants off only a shirt full on straddling the white tank like it's a fucking horse. I try really hard not to laugh at the sight of this and go to help him get his pants on. Then I hear almost a sucking sound in the stall next door. I ask Natalie if she's alright and she doesn't respond. She hadn't left the bathroom since the kid called so I knock on the stall (the stalls couldn't lock) and it sounds like someone fell. Immediately I open the stall to see my buddy Eugene getting a blowjob from Natalie and I burst out laughing. Her face turns bright red and runs out from embarrassment. Naturally I high five my buddy and he goes off to tell the whole camp he got a bj in that bathroom. Turns out you're not allowed to have sex at camp and both of them were subsequently fired.

TL;DR : took my camper to the bathroom. Found out that he wasn't the only one getting off on the toilet.

/r/AskReddit Thread