For the last two years I've been working on a website that builds tier lists, build guides, and tracks stats for champions gathered from about 800k Diamond+ matches every week.

I don´t agree with alot that website suggests, the data and build suggest are not on point/optimal for either champion, out of all 3 Ryze build suggested not a single one has seraTo furthermore explain my complain, 1 of the builds suggest frozen heart, which is not effecient anymore on ryze, because you overdo the cdr cap. Ryze has a very niche itemization route this patch, which leaves very little space for variation if you want the most otpimal outcome. I especially picked Ryze, because I was expecting frozen heart to be recommended, as alot of non ryze mains that just chunk him in buy this, even in high elo, though it´s really not that good anymore. Even more suprising that seraphs doesnt show, as it is a 100% needed core item on ryze and even more so after the ap item rework. I´d suggest you change the algorithm to only check Dia3+ games, as that is the breaking point at which out of halfbad players decent players are developing. So far from the few champs I watched through I woulnd´t say any itembuild is optimized very well, you´re way better off to just check to get thoughthrough builds. Basically same problem as the algorithm is not picky enough at what players data it´s using, even though this might result in downvotes, every player below Dia 3 is bad, as you can reach Dia 3 with mechanics only and from that point onward to advance you need good game knowledge ontop, in case you´re not trusting me on that, go around the competetive scene and ask some coaches, they all agree on this point, it´s more or less a set rule from a competetive perspective. To furthermore increase my credibility, I´m a high Dia 1 player on EUW and have contacts with some coaches, of which 2 are considerbly high tier coaches.

/r/leagueoflegends Thread