You can be confident and INTP

I actually used to be more of an ENTP as a child because I was more talkative and approachable, even with adults. When my mom was going to work she used to take me with her and I liked going from one office to another chatting with her coworkers. I would also argue with my parents if I did not agree with their point of view. While I was generally getting along with most adults, children at my school would often bully me because I would get angry easily and they liked to tease me about that. Then in adolescence I started distancing myself from people, even mom's coworkers with whom I used to chat every day as a kid. I was still fairly sociable but only with a few close friends because I was still getting bullied because of my grades. Now I'm in my mid twenties and I feel comfortable staying at home because I dread the thought of going out and meeting new people. I cut ties with most people and I only have a handful of friends left, with whom I talk sporadically.

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