Can you explain me why do *you* support communism?

Worldwide, oil and gas companies receive $5.3 trillion in subsidies - more than the combined health spending of every country in the world.

8.4% of the population of the world own 83.3% of all the wealth in the world, that figure being $200.5 trillion. While the rest of the world, 91.6% own just $40.7 trillion. If this wealth was divided separately between the two groups, the latter would share 91.6%, would have $6354 each, and the former would have $340,986 each, almost 54 times more.

In 2013 CEO pay was equivalent to 354 workers.

£119.4bn is avoided in corporate tax a year in Britain.

Barclays alone paid £2.4bn in bonuses in 2014, two and a half times what Comic Relief has raised in 30 years even though Barclays claim to sponsor Comic Relief. Barclays pre-tax profit also raised by 12% in 2014 to £5.5bn.

HSBC hold billions in Swiss tax havens in 2014 after making profits of £12.14bn. The MoD (in Britain) spend £2.5bn a year on Trident, am extra £1.3bn to check if a new one should be installed, and want to spend £100bn more to renew the system.

The NHS (in Britain) is set to cost £113bn over 2014/15. Why not money such as that going to Trident or corporate tax avoidance on the NHS. Out of the top 10 most profitable companies in the world, 6 are classified as 'Oil and Gas' companies.

Since the 2008 Financial Crash the world's banks and financial markets have received public subsidies and pledges worth almost £20 trillion of public money to bail them out. £20 trillion is enough to feed 800 million impoverished people, enough to educate the 114 million children who have no school to go to as well as the 584 million men and women who are illiterate, enough to provide up to half of the worlds population with sanitised drinking water who have no access to it.

In Britain the bailout amount currently stands at £1.3 trillion, 6 times the total cuts in public spending planned between 2012 to 2017. Since 2008 banks have been given £375bn in 'quantitative easing', enough to keep open every closing remploy factory for disabled workers for the next 10,000 years.

People say that Capitalism and such economic policies promote innovation and competition that drives production, investment and infrastructure. But in the British medical journal in 2012 revealed that the world's 7 largest pharmaceutical companies spend on average 80% of their budget on sales and marketing, 12 times more than on innovation research. Pharmaceutical companies profits have grown 6 times more than there spending on research and development since 1990. Pharmaceutical companies Market and upscale the price of medicine by as much as 569,000%. They use the patent system to block access to the creation of cheaper medicine to eliminate competition. Britain sells arms to several notable countries that it has on its own 'Human Rights Offenders' list.

The financial sector across Europe keep more than £3 trillion across 28 tax-haven banks accounts under British jurisdiction.

Wal-Mart, the most profitable company on the world, having a revenue of $485.65bn a year.

The Conservatives borrowed more in a 3 year period than Labour did in 13. David Cameron and George Osborne took the EU to court to protect and preserve the rights of banks to continue paying bonuses.

Over 50% of the jobs created by the Conservatives from 2010-2015 are part time jobs. In 2014 900,000 people had to use food banks in Britain. A rise of 163% per year since 2010. In 2012 the Conservatives created tax breaks for 13,000 millionaires. Whilst raising VAT to 20%.

Since 2010 the richest 1,000 families have gotten richer by 112% since 2009 and now own the same amount as the poorest 40% of Britons.

5,000 nurses were cut between 2012 and 2015 in the UK.

Hillary Clinton accepted a $7 million donation from Saudi Arabia.

60 big business companies, mainly consisting of pro-fossil fuel and oil and gas companies such as Exxon Mobil and Big Electric, donated $26 million to the Clinton Foundation.

Companies such as Exxon Mobil, Chevron, BP and Shell fund the American Legislative Exchange Council, that now prevents the possibility of curbing carbon emissions due to the impact of companirs private profits.

Hillary Clinton, whilst as Secretary of State, promoted fracking abroad and deals between American fossil fuels companies and other countries. Rupert Murdoch and News Corp own 269 other companies outrightly, and own stock in many more.

Over a 4 year period Murdoch accumulated $7bn in offshore profits not accounted for by the US tax system.

News Corp successfully lobbied for modified tax code laws benefitting them. Rupert Murdoch and News Corp will use propaganda, such as Fox News Channel, to promote western military intervention in the Middle East. This is due to Murdoch owning shares in Genie Energy that gets most of it's oil from Israeli occupied Syrian land. The USA and UK involvement in Iraq after 9/11 led to the destabilisation of the entire region; once they pulled out of led to a power struggle that created what is now ISIS.

43.2% of students at Oxbridge came from private schools, that only make up 7% of the students in the country. At the start of the 2015 election there were 700,000 people on zero hour contracts as their main job. An increase of 300% since the Conservatives took power.

It is estimated that 5 million people a year die as a result of climate change. It is predicted that 150,000 Americans will die due to rising temperatures if climate change is not dealt with by 2099.

Most of this is courtesy of /u/owencooper7. Google individual statements for sources.