Glory to the Soviet people!

Look, without knowing you really at all, I think I can assume that you're a good comrade (yes, even as a Trotskyist) and that you're genuinely coming from a good place. But honestly, I expected this reaction as soon as I saw your first reply, and I think it's a genuine problem among the left to have these ludicrous knee-jerk reactions without even scratching the thin veneer of context surrounding things. Of course it is not you specifically and of course I could have replied earlier to clarify this, so it's partly on me for not acting in good faith. But for christ sake, I have a Mao flair with "Serve the People" written in Mandarin. My post history includes posts to leftist subs.

Again, I hate to bring it up in this context, because like I said, I'm sure you're coming from a good place (and what's more, in your case it's more likely just an off-chance mistake that you typically don't make). But this moralizing hair trigger shit is all over internet left spaces and it's real unattractive, particularly to proletarian people.

But don't sweat the report :P

I'm sure the mods will see the context and/or fix things if they accidentally ban me. And even if they don't, it doesn't matter because this is reddit and not at all real life haha

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