Can I just say how much I appreciate this sub as a safe space?? ♥️♥️

Depends. If you need somewhere to vent about being harassed for writing controversial tropes, then this sub is generally supportive. It's one of the few proship internet spaces left. On the other hand, if you say something that goes even a little bit against popular opinion here or if your proship-ness has limits, you'll get a visit from the little downvote fairies and your post will get buried (like in any subreddit, which is why I dislike reddit and other discourse-hosted forums). It's also kind of impersonal compared to joining a discord server or old-fashioned forum - on those I've usually either made friends with a few people by a month's time or know by then that I don't vibe with the group and leave, but even on the friendliest subreddits, it just feels so impersonal even after spending months of posting on one.

The only reason I come here is because it's the only place I can vent about cancel culture, or publically admit to reading weird shit like omegaverse or other dom/sub tropes without being digitally lynched. I guess it's a safe space for talking about those things, which is nice.

/r/FanFiction Thread