Can they please invent some kind of filter so I can look up stuff on YouTube without being bombarded by these idiots

What kind of pseudo-intellectual comment is this? In case you weren’t aware, YouTube is an entertainment platform. People go on there to entertain themselves. It’s perfectly valid to not want to see certain type of content on there, even if it means creating an “echo chamber” (in reality, it’s just filtering out culture war nonsense; the YouTubers in question hardly have valid opinions worth considering to begin with). And even then, not once (as far as I can tell) has OP complained about these YouTubers perpetuating their own echo chambers; OP just wants to be left out of it.

Want a tip? Grow up and realize it’s okay to put your foot down and say “no, I am not okay with this”. Putting up with content you don’t like but are never gonna watch anyway isn’t the statement you think it is.

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