Can someone compare and contrast The Witcher to Skyrim for me?

To start off I’m a huge fan of Skyrim. It’s easily in my top 5 games of last generation. I loved everything from making my own character, exploring the world, learning the lore and just generally laying the game. Most of the hours I put into the game were mindless. I played on normal difficulty and never really feel like I was challenged. I’m sure there’s a strategy people can use, but it’s mostly a hack and slash adventure game. There’s nothing wrong with that and I still love it.

I remember when The Witcher 2 was release Morgan Webb (Xplay) was talking about how it was pretty hardcore RPG. I would agree with her. There’s a lot of planning and learning that goes into playing a Witcher game. You can’t just run into every fight and expect to come out on top. It’s also not always about being a high enough level. It has a lot to do with weaknesses. The game play elements are a lot different. The Witcher 3 plays a lot more like a third person action game. Blocking/parrying and trying to hit an opponents weak spot is a big part of the combat. Also using the bestiary to find out weaknesses. The game teaches you this very well, but I guess the point I’m trying to make is that it’s a harder game than Skyrim.

In Skyrim I can make a Dunmur male who uses light armor and one handed weapons, maybe destruction magic in the other hand. Then I’ll join up with the Dark Brotherhood, slay some dragon ands stop the vampire menace. Skyrim is a game that’s mostly about doing what you want. The Witcher 3 offers a lot of choices that shape the outcome of the story, like a Bioware or Fable game. It’s still not really your story. That being said it’s probably a better story than the ones told in Skyrim.

It’s hard to compare the two because they are trying to do different things. I hope this was helpful. I highly recommend the game.

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