Can someone explain to me why any Bernie supporter would line up behind Hillary and the DNC regardless of what Bernie says going forward?

Sure, I actually used to be a bernie supporter, but over the past month or two I've switched to hilary. He moved from running a purely issues campaign where he refused to attack her unfairly to attacking her on the basis of what companies her donors worked for. Him attacking her for money she received from employees of oil companies was ridiculous, both because it wasn't from those companies themselves, and because it's a tiny portion of her total money. Second, him requesting Superdelegates to overturn the will of the people is egregious. The party isn't currently at the positions I want it to be only 45% of it is (you guys). I don't think that requesting Superdelegates to change the results while lambasting them for having the potential to do that comes of to me as dishonest. And that really the problem I've had.

As his campaign has come closer to actually winning his standards for behavior have dropped. That's troubling. It's fair to say that we should or shouldn't have caucuses, or that these caucuses or primaries should or shouldn't be open. But that's not a plot on the part of the establishment to help hilary. These decisions were made before bernie even started running, and they're decided by that states democratic party. Acting like this was done to screw bernie is pretty dishonest. I personally am in favor of exclusively open primaries and no caucuses but deviation from that indicates a difference in desired effect by the state parties from what I want. And bernie is definitely more ideologically aligned with me. But his attacks on Hilary recently have become dishonest, and because Hilary is such a cautious politician, I know that if we're loud enough for the progressive values we care about we can get her to shade that way. It wouldn't be as far as I want. But she'd be alot better than trump.

/r/SandersForPresident Thread