can we start a discussion about vaping and sploofing

My experience is precisely that of tickdickler.... If you are heating Marijuana, a quite identifiable odor is produced. Period, full stop. And attempts to mask it range from eh to downright laughable. And if you're smoking or vaping, that smoke and/or vapor lingers on your breath, clothes, and hair.

You can sploof, smoke buddy, use ozium, and fool yourself, but to a practiced nose you smell like someone trying to hide your smoke session which at age 50 elicits a grin from this old stoner as I encounter teens who think they're being clever.

Does a sploof and other masking agents provide a measure of stealth? It can in two circumstances.... one, did you keep your vape session short including the warm-up and cool down time because you're generating fumes the entire time? And what else beyond the sploof did you use as the sploof only partially masks exhaled vapor and doesn't do a goddamn thing about the weed cooking in your hand... Did you spray a bit of ozium or other masking agent before you started to cook, while you were vaping, and during the cool down period. And what are you going to do with that weed oven after you've cooked, because dude, that smells big-time to the person who didn't get to share in your session. You can minimize with a quick cleaning and iso swab down but that only minimizes, not eliminates. Now there's your clothes, hair, hands, and breath to consider. Breath is easy, hands are easy. If vaping/smoking if you can find a breeze and put your back to the breeze you can minimize what gets in your hair. Zapping your hair with some hairspray after can help. For clothes, a couple of quick zaps of febreeze or deodorant spray can minimize.

In 35 years of creating subterfuge I've found that the single best thing is to do all the above AND to stink of something else . The more weed odor you need to conceal, the more street person you need to go. Don't shower and don't use deodorant and wear yesterday's clothes for extreme cases. Hard to smell weed in that funk plus the tender nose doesn't want to hang out to suss out if "is that weed I smell or is just that sumbitch smells bad?"


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