Why can't I get an interview?

If I were you I would do the following:

  • Include contact email if you have not done so already.

  • Try to make it easier for a human pair of eyes to find what they may be looking for - more focus, less fluff content, more white space, more structure and sections. Have a separate text-only version. I uploaded an anonymized example of one of my last used templates - of course, other's preferences my differ.

  • Always sort items in each section by recency. So that I can quickly see what has been your most recent job/degree/project. I also like to switch work and education sections depending on which has the most recent item.

  • Move the skills section to the bottom and delete all the generic fluff.

  • Drop the references. They can ask for those. The job of the cv is to get people interested in more details.

  • Filter every section down to what seems most relevant for the job.

  • Remove all references to IDEs unless you know that they are mandatory for the job. Version control systems seem more relevant, but I would not list them either unless they are explicitly mentioned in the job description.

  • I would try to phrase the projects differently. They seem to be cool, but you make them sound somehow too trivial. Drop implementation details and instead emphasize the topic, and the results. The job of the cv is to get people interested in more details.

  • Always include at least your name in the name of the file, maybe even add the position. Don't just name it "cv."

/r/cscareerquestions Thread