I can't even say that I'm a gamer anymore.

Yes, that's an intelligent and mature response. Since you've already decided to lower the bar for communication, then please allow me to call you a "dickhead" in response -- because you're the real dickhead here buddy.

He's just trying to give some actual, real advice that helped him -- he isn't being holier than thou, he's trying to help others. But because you are so pathetic and lost in the malais of your life, your only reaction, as a GROWN MAN, is to react with blind anger, not even at the substance of his post, but actually going onto ATTACK him personally?

How much of a child do you have to be to consider that response normal?

Also, I would just love to point out how you criticise him for being "elitist" then guard the gates of this sub as if it's here to be your sole hugbox. You are the reason why incel is in common parlance. You are nothing more than a hateful idiot, languishing in his own loneliness yet too much of a fucking pussy to do anything about it, instead hiding behind your infantile anger and screeching at the slight possibility of someone trying to HELP YOU.

If you are so far gone that you can't help yourself, then you might as well fucking end it all, if you're so hopeless.


/r/ForeverAlone Thread Parent