Why you can't just ignore the CIA report on Russia hacking

Trump is a nightmare, but it is the DNC that has delivered the nightmare to us. Russia, regardless of their intentions, has helped us, by demonstrating the appalling failure of the Democratic national leadership.

You know I was just thinking about this yesterday. In a way, even if the Russians are behind the hacking, I can't really fault them. The election of Donald Trump may literally cause the extinction of humanity, but I don't think that was their goal, not do I think it's logical to place the blame for his rise on them. There are about a million people I could think of who deserve a larger share of the blame, assuming all the Russians did was release those emails to Wikileaks.

I know that, if they read this post, some Americans will be outrages. How can I say something so traitorous? How can I be so spineless, just laying down and letting Putin devour our great nation? Don't I care about American interests??!!

Well here's the thing - as American interests are currently defined, I have almost zero regard for them. A glance at the last hundred years shows that our government has repeatedly made their foreign policy decisions, including going to war, to protect state power and concentrated pockets of economic power, rather than to protect the well-being of our citizens.

I don't care about whether America is the world's largest superpower. I just want American citizens to have good lives. If that means abandoning our role as world police and protectors of the economic status quo, and allowing outages to slide into a more humble world role, then maybe we can redirect some of those trillions of dollars from our military budget and subsidies for multinational corporations toward actually improving our public's well-being.

I also want people in other countries to have good lives. If that means I'm not patriotic, then I don't care. I would rather that each nations' leaders fight it out over our heads and leave us the hell out of it.

/r/politics Thread Parent Link - thehill.com