Capcom investigating matchmaking problems in Monster Hunter World

Oh away and don't talk pish. Do you HONESTLY think the beta was PS4 exclusive JUST to alienate Xbox users?
Yes, it sucks it wasn't on Xbox as well, and money was probably why it was the case, but I don't think a beta on Xbox would have fixed this at all. Wanna know why? PS4 had 3 betas and even they have online issues. It's a problem with the game servers themselves, not the platform. They would not have sat there twiddling their thumbs while the beta was online and not learn anything from it, laughing at Xbox salt.
The beta was there to test the game, not to solely piss off Xbox users. They obviously didn't learn enough if PS4 is having issues as well.
Of course, what I say might be wrong purely because I don't work at Capcom, so I can't prove that is the real reason,and neither can you.

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