Cardinal Wuerl: Pope Francis Has Reconnected the Church with Vatican II

Some have alleged that “Amoris Laetitia” is not magisterial teaching.

I would never, ever begin to challenge the voice of the Petrine Office because if you say, as an individual, I can determine which of the teachings of the church are magisterial and which aren’t, then which of the papal encyclicals and which of the apostolic exhortations are valid and which aren’t? Who gets to determine that?

It’s determined when they come out with the signature of the pope on them. That’s what makes them part of the Petrine Office—not somebody else’s judgment about their thought or about the content. And so every apostolic exhortation, and that is all post-synodal ones, are all Petrine magisterium.

Remember it was Paul VI who said to the synod, “You can’t be issuing things because you don’t have any magisterium, I do.” And from “Evangelii Nuntiandi” on therefore, they were all exercises in the Petrine Office or Magisterium.

Just a thought but I think some people forget that the Church is our brain, they are the ones that think on behalf of us, we are called to trust them in all that they do, sure we should and can say things that we think might be heretical, but we gotta remember that it doesn't matter what you think that much, the Church thinks for you. If you think Catholicism is wrong, by all means find a different Church, many protestants had the same line of thought as you and split off a long time ago. You gotta trust the Church at one point, if you always demand proof to everything and demand to know God's plan at every point, whats the point of trust then? You gotta trust in God's mercy when you cannot do anything else. If we didn't trust the Church there would be thousands of different Churches splitting off from the Catholic Church, TRUST

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