The cartoon rabbit in Space Jam 2 will be less sexy. Gamers aren't happy about it

To be fair pushing your toxic ideologies and social values through artistic mediums which go against the main content consumers interests is elitist and arrogant. They will be punished at the box office.

Personally anytime I see any of these values smuggled in I stop watching. Its painfully obvious and very inorganic. Usually something about a 'girlboss' being physically stronger or more technically skilled than a man, or breaking gender stereotypes in some other way.

I've seen plenty of competent female characters over the years and had no problem. Its fairly obvious though when it comes from a place of trying to push a toxic ideology at the expense of the artistic project. I don't even bother with TV shows or movie any more because Hollywood's retarded social values are so prevalent.

Its literally painful to see real issues completely overlooked and empty tokenism further polarising left and right. Exactly how the people writing the narrative planned. Fucking sad guys. Y'all need to wake up.

/r/SubredditDrama Thread