Casual Sex Is Disgusting And Society Has Regressed

you seem to be removing any and all agency from the female. You are aware there are also girls that use guys for casual sex, right? it's not just a one-way street of objectification?

I've never heard of that happening in my life. Never heard of a guy getting "used for sex" and then being upset about it, in fact every guy I know would be beyond happy to be "used" for sex.

Pursuing a relationship with somebody is the herd, dawg.

Not sure what planet you live on but if you're 20-30 you're pretty much expected to fuck and focus on your career and maybe down the line have some sort of relationship. I don't hear katy perry or miley cyrus singing about having a wife, 2 dogs, kids and a white picket fence.

Nobody other than maybe your grandma expects or tells you to have a relationship. The entire concept of marriage has been dismantled by feminism and less and less people are getting married every year. You sound like the liberals who think they're counterculture when they are the culture

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