Catholic Monsignor Who Wanted to Deny Biden Communion Resigns After Cellphone Links Him to Gay Dating App

Media Investigation Into Biden Political Enemy Bears Fruit - Will Serve As Warning to Others Considering Criticism of Political Powerbrokers.

Fixed the headline for you.

Seriously - this is not OK. The media has gotten in the habit of pursuing those they think "deserve it," and there either need to be some drastic changes to defamation liability law or someone else needs to start poking into the backgrounds of specific journalists and publishing fun little factoids they'd rather keep quiet... like the major figure at MSNBC who had to repeat a semester of [his/her] senior year as part of a deal to avoid explosion for a plagiarism incident.

If this guy hadn't suggested denying Biden communion, this would not be a news story right now. It is a warning to anyone else considering publicly challenging or criticizing those the media supports.

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