CDPR provide information about Cyberpunk trademark situation.

Except you aren't even supposed to trademark generic terms. It's why you don't see "Apple!" brand apples, or a great chain of stores named "Store". Yet why you do see "Apple" stores, because the world apple isn't a generic self-description of what computer a store is. (note that an "Apple Store" that sold actual apples would probably not be kosher) "Cyberpunk" is for darned shot a generic description of what Cyberpunk story or setting is.

The only reason this flies is the decision makers on these things are stodgy old men that wouldn't know the difference between a Phaser and Blaster if they got shot in the hiney by one.

They try to point out how this can't hurt the Little Guy(TM) with their silly super long examples that nobody would call a game ever. What if somebody made a game called "Cyberpunk Ninja" ,"Reflections of Cyberpunk" or "Cyberpunk: Androstalker"? They'd arguably be obligated to go after those guys.

I guess what I'm saying is make your games with more origina, less generic, less crappy the games. "The Witcher" is a wholly unique setting-specific term. Please do the same with your stuff, jeez.

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