Cease & Desist re: Alice

  1. She has stated her age several times in the press: -2014 - Racked, Inside the Internet's Craziest Destination for Blogger Hate "Alice is 32 years old" -2012- Dailydot- Get off her Internets: Blogger Alice Wright bites back, "Wright, 30, lends as much money to..."

  2. She does buy followers. When your following jumps and decreases by the thousands daily (as well as MANY of your followers being obviously fake instagrams), that's a sign that she's buying them. No one would give a fuck if she wasn't such a hypocrite.

  3. No, she's sorry she made a complete thundercunt of herself. It was not a mistake. She's an adult and she knows better than to attack people and accuse them of fraud without evidence.

  4. Haha, you are too fucking stupid to live. She has no respect for anyone (especially herself). She said terrible things to people on GOMI all the time. She's made light of users having miscarriages, infertility struggles. She's called people assholes, cunts, etc. for just having a different opinion. She's tried to make users feel like complete shit for having children and getting married. Does this seem like respect to you?

  5. Sure she doesn't...

Do you seriously believe that most of us have respect for this fat sack of shit? She's a terrible human being.

Yes, she's blocked many ip addresses and deleted accounts. That's well documented.

Alice puts enough of her disgusting self out there for plenty of people to have insight.

Lol, do you seriously think that every single one of us will get fined? You seem like an old bat, so you probably don't realize that a lot of us don't have emails associated with our accounts and use VPN's. Do you really not understand how difficult it is to sue anonymous people on the internet? How are you even allowed to live being that fucking stupid?

/r/blogsnark Thread