Celebrating Mothers Day because you are the mother to "fur babies" or some other non human object is wrong

Good choice of sub because this might be the dumbest thing I’ve seen posted for a long while. The fact that you care enough about how other people celebrate a made-up holiday that’s meant to be about appreciating a parent enough to post about it says way more about you than I think you realise.

Your mum made a choice. She isn’t a martyr, she’s a mum. Unless she was forced into that role don’t pretend she’s some war hero and fur baby celebrators are wearing stolen valour. She chose to have kids, nobody asked her to and even if they did, she could have said no.

People celebrating fur babies does nothing to you. Their happiness doesn’t detract from yours in any way shape or form unless you let it. This reminds me of Christians saying gay marriage was ruining straight marriage. It’s not your business.

Sincerely, the child of a single mother who raised my siblings and I alone working 3 jobs to keep us fed.

/r/unpopularopinion Thread