Changing yourself to get a girlfriend

I was exactly who you are in high school and undergrad. I will tell you my thought process and the mistakes I have made for you to learn from if you ever wanted to carry a private conversation about this.

I don't want to dismiss what some others in this thread have said necessarily, for instance entering the workforce with your mindset will be as shocking as it was for me. It's taken me a long time to understand that, but that's another story. In case you were wondering, I did get off to a rough start but now I am very successful.

One thing that I think is important for you to process and will probably earn my down-votes and simultaneously your respect for this post is the fact that (I am assuming you are a male) sex is a physical and mental need and not anything otherwise. This doesn't imply that I am saying that doesn't pair with a genuinely fulfilling long-term relationship. I will point for you in the utmost important direction to study the field of evolutionary psychology for a better understanding as to why this makes sense.

The disclaimer I have for others is that I am not down-playing the other advice given in this thread, just that with my own anecdotal experience being able to relate and my own non-anecdotal research I see a common perspective that is very understandable yet surrounded by esoteric difficult life experience and personality circumstances.

/r/intj Thread