White House blocks CNN, BBC, New York Times, LA Times from media briefing

Go to war, if you've got a brick wall you can't get around or get through you tear it down, you wither talk things out like calm reasonable adults or you shed blood and settle things with military power, but this shouting and name calling is childish and it's getting very old and a lot of moderates, and there are a lot of moderates in this country, are starting to lose interest and just not care about all of the bad shit that trump is doing because of the mainstream media and so many people on the left acting like it's the end of the God damn world every day, yelling and name calling and acting like Trump is the worst person ever and that he's "literally" Hitler that makes people start "literally" shaking and all the constant scandals and bullshit every minute of every day is loosing the left more and more support every fucking day.

They're shooting themselves in the foot because they can't act like rational adults who handle an adversary with decency and civility, people acting like it'd okay to act like an asshole just because the assholes are doing it are just as bad as the assholes they fight which makes normal people not want to stand by them because they're assholes, the left either needs to calm down and deal with things like adults or just back up all their talk about how trump is a fascist and is so evil and is a Russian puppet who wants to be a dictator by starting a civil war and taking him and his Pete down or all that shit is just that, shit, the silent moderate majority is sick and tired of the bullshit screaming freak out session that's been going on since the election started, the left needs to get it the fuck together so the rest of us can have some peace and goddamn quiet.

/r/nottheonion Thread Parent Link - independent.co.uk