Cheeto Jesus. Upvote so that when someone searches "Cheeto Jesus" this image is shown

No I won't upvote this. I won't upvote this because this the same knee-jerk inducing, masturbatory, meme-y bullshit as every god awful post /r/the_donald. Everyone who upvotes this is a hypocrite. I subbed here because I thought this was finally the reddit community saying enough. No more unsupported, choir-preaching posts. No more childish nicknames. No more fucking memes! For the past 6 months, I've watch /r/SandersForPresident and /r/The_Donald users masturbate on /r/all and force their paradoxically self-aggrandizing and victimized cum down all of our throats. I subbed here because the first few posts were well thought out articles that actually showed Donald Trump's double talk, but I come there the next day and its posts like this, post that play to everyone's bias, posts that are just negative politics at its absolute worst, posts that are just the same as /r/the_donald's spam! The biggest thing driving me up the wall is everyone is acting the same, but criticizing the others for acting that way. You know what fuck it, this is who the three most contentious candidates are/were:

Donald Trump - realty star populous Trump audience is the people who watch realty TV. This seems obvious, but its important to understand who that audience is. Over the past 20 jobs have been disappearing, some have gone to China, some have gone to illegal immigrants, but here's the fucking truth they've gone to technological advancement. We don't need some one to stand there screwing in bolts anymore, we have a robot that screws in bolts faster and cheaper than a person ever could. Who has caught that change more than anyone else? White working class men. White working class men, who feel emasculated and angry because they are not the bread winner society tells them to be, because they see little future opportunity, and because their wife's hate them and divorce them because they don't help around the house and sit around the house doing all the awful stuff an unemployed man does drink, do drugs, play video games, and WATCH TV. (There is a great economist article called the weaker sex on this) The realty TV audience is more than just poor white men of course. It is also stay at home mom's with all their famous biases, bored teenagers and college students, retirees. Middle America, right-leaning and affected by and scared of the unstable future and looking for easy outlets for entertainment and blame. These have been the people Donald Trump has been in touch with, they are his audience and his fans, and he knows what they like. The funny thing is these groups all are very different things. They maybe interested in the same things (immigration reform, war with ISIS, gun protection, they are by enlarge right leaning after all) they want it to different degrees, so what has Donald Trump done. He has run the most negative campaign in history. He stands for nothing. He speaks in buzz words and short sentences that can be interpreted to mean whatever a favorable listener wants. Like guns, lukewarm on more middle east wars? Find Donald's quotes for that. Anti-China, but also support a less regulated economy? find the quotes for that. How has he gotten away with this obvious lack of anything resembling a platform? He attacks. He criticizes everyone else, their solutions, their ideas, calls them catchy names, and makes fun of their appearance. This where his sound bites come from. He doesn't give speechs on his actual thoughts and opinions, he just attacks everyone else's. This allows him to hid his lack of platform, because then he can frame any criticism of his policy, as a counterattack from an insulted foe. And this back and forth, this narrative of attack, counterattack, and victimization, where does this come from? Realty TV. Thing kitchen nightmare, Simon Cowell, Shark Tank. People love negativity and the people who dish it out, they seem powerful, seem strong, seem in control (everything that weaker sex is not wink wink nudge nudge [I mean poor white men read the article]), and think of the people on the receiving end how weak do they look. Trump knew this and based his campaign around it. As long as we attack him the way he attacks us, we just play his game, and feed his machine. You wanna beat him, don't tell him what you believe, ask him what he believes. That would unravel his whole narrative.

I kinda blew my load on Trump and I have to get back to work (this fucking meme post got me worked up I am sad to say), but if people like this I could come back tomorrow to do the same for everyone's favorite economics-illiterate, Bernie Sanders, and the queen of backdoor deals, Hillary Clinton tomorrow. Here is a preview, they stand for as much nothing as Donald Trump does. And I have a reason for that, its cause the parties don't stand for anything, because they are still based on demographics that no longer exist.

/r/EnoughTrumpSpam Thread Link -