I don't really understand why atheist are here

I'm an atheist and this thread popped up on /r/all for me. I've never been to this subreddit before. I don't comment here or in any of the religious subreddits but this post stood out especially reading some of the comments directed towards atheists.

OP, you mention that you don't understand why anyone would post only negative comments on this subreddit. The following are all direct quotes from this thread towards atheists. Would you consider these negative comments?

It seems pretty sad honestly.

because they are sent from the enemy.

But ya i often hear this question, people thinking these workers of darkness has nothing better to do. And they are right, they don't. They serve their master in their side of the battle.

It is not the healthy who need a doctor, but the sick ..

Simple. Atheism is a religion like any other. Except they hate God. We love God. Romans 1 says that every atheist is a liar. They know God exists, they suppress this truth.

So atheists are sad, sent from the enemy, serve a master of darkness, are sick, and are all liars just because they don't share your religious beliefs. I respect your right to believe that. Will you respect my ability to not believe it?

It seems to me that, in this thread at least, that the negative comments OP is complaining about are coming from users claiming to be Christian. I don't hate Christians . Why do you hate me?

/r/TrueChristian Thread