Children are not “mis behaving” now due to not being physically punished.

I see corporal punishment as being counter intuitive.

It sends entirely the wrong message, first off that family is not a safe space.

Second it shows that the parents do not know how to adult or control their emotions, so the child doesn’t learn anything.

If you’re children get into trouble, I feel like it is better to rationally explain why and then have a disciplinary measure that is commensurate with their age.

My teenager punched a hole in his wall, and he simply lost his electronics access until he was ready to discuss the issue, why he felt so angry that he punched a hole in the wall, then he had to do the repair. I helped of course, in showing him how to patch drywall, but he did the work.

He hated the work, but it showed him that their are consequences for his actions.

I think that ultimately hitting your child has no effect other than stifling their natural curiosity and creating anxiety.

If you were always worried about being hit for doing something you would either not do it, or if you did then you would lie about it because you don’t want to be hit.

I think that people and especially parents need to treat all people the same way they like to be treated, and I know I don’t like being hit or yelled at, so I don’t do it to my children, I want them to trust me and I want them to come to me, no matter what, and know that I will support them to the best of my ability.

/r/unpopularopinion Thread