China approves wheat, soy imports from Russia, China was the biggest buyer of US soy until last year.

I still remember when I started actually checking the source for every “outrageous” headline that trump makes and 99.9% of them are blatantly taken out of context. This is the drawback to someone with no political training being recorded everyday. Think about Pence and how the media portrays him. Now think about how for almost 2 years every single day the media blasts trump for speaking like normal people and not being politically correct. Yet VP pence does just that, he is very professional and doesn’t come off loosely. But that makes him a complete robot with no spine apparently. Everyday for months we’re seeing headlines about candidates trashing how awful the U.S. is and how everything is wrong, and when Trump says what I think every competent American was thinking(if you hate it so much then just leave), every single headline instantly calls Trump a racist. I really think 99% of Americans look at this crap and just roll their eyes. I think the entire digital media system is using fake social media posts as justification for saying people are actually outraged when in real life Americans are for the most part totally content with living here.

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