Chinese school could lose Canadian accreditation following allegations of corruption

So much complete idiocy in this article.

"Those cracks first formed, according to the principal, when she was reprimanded for siding with the teachers over a contentious policy that forbade teachers from discussing midterm marks with their students.

“(Midterm) report cards were handed out in sealed envelopes,” she said. “I was scolded and they took away half of my salary for that month, because I had given conflicting instructions. … "


the teacher was told the school had cancelled her work visa and that she had 24 hours to leave the country.

You'd have to be pretty naive not to get SAFEA involved at either point. Also, unless the teacher has broken the laws of the PRC there is no way his/her Visa is going to get cancelled.


The principal claims her severance pay, one month’s salary, was withheld, “Because that was to pay off my hospital bill.”

So she was working without any health insurance whatsoever?

This is the best one though:

May claims he found, lying openly on a desk, a legal document written in Chinese that appeared to have his signature on the bottom. He had no recollection of signing the document, and believes his signature was forged. He said he found a blank page that appeared to have his signature written out multiple times, as if it was being practised. May recognized enough of the language to realize the documents were related to Chinese work visas, and claims to have found similar legal documents with the signatures of other teachers, which he believes were all forged. May snapped photos of each page and sent them to Postmedia.

Where are these photos? What possible reason could you have for not showing them in this article? Could it be that you have nobody who reads Chinese on staff so you have no fucking idea what they say?

This story is just so full of willing Timbudong that I can't help but wonder how these people even got into the country in the first place, much less tie their shoes in the morning. The worst part of it is that Ontario Schools in China, Hong Kong, and Vietnam right now are under increasing attack for alleged bullshit exactly like what is being described. I'm sure this stuff is going on, however this article is so poorly written and sourced that it seems like the entire operation is a circus sideshow, suitable only for entertainment purposes.

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