Chris Christie looked like he was regretting his endorsement as he watched Trump talk to reporters

Comment was deleted by mods for no reason so I'm posting it again.

He was an prosecutor for years before becoming governor. His endorsement of Trump was the biggest dick slap to the face of Rubio I have ever seen. It was absolutely brilliant.

Many have tried, but all have failed to stump him. Most have wound up stumped or even schlonged for their boldness.

First there was Jeb. Despite the massive amount of money spend and establishment support, Donald reduced him from former nominee apparent to a guac bowl meme.

Kasich tried his hand around the same time. It got him nowhere but laughed at as Trump pointed out his colossal incompetence at Lehman Brothers.

Rand Paul wound up being, in essence, dismissed as a manlet.

Clinton tried to play the gender card to stump him. To others, it would have been seen as a landmine to dodge. Trump saw it for a softball to lean in to and called her out for badmouthing bills accusers. Hillary shut her mouth because she's rather not see that pinata burst open.

The right wing media went after him with Glenn Beck getting chatty about Donald, but got blown the fuck out on live TV.

Now, Ted Cruz, who once found himself in the enviable position of likely Trump veep pick, decided he felt froggy. Trump unzipped his fly, and whipped out fourteen veiny inches of September 11th cock. A South Carolina crowd burst into a frenzy of applause for New York values. It might have been the most complete schlonging we've seen so far. Ted Cruz, in the span of about a minute went from being on the attack to applauding Trumps response. At this point, he may as well pack it in and run for prime minister of Canada next election. Hillary Clinton, herself a fan of the 911 card, even praised Trump on twitter. The whole fucking fiasco reads like a 4chan greentext.

When the left wing media went hard with the Hitler ad hominems for his comments on Muslims, instead of his popularity going down it sky rocketed as Americans see what is happening with unchecked Muslim immigration in Europe. The mainstream media thought they had him stumped, yet once again he schlonged them hard. So they switched it up and tried with the KKK/racist ad hominems, they got blown the fuck out yet again. Trump won 7 of the 11 states last night and the left wing media is on suicide watch.

When the Pope said building walls wasn't Christian, Trump pointed to the giant wall around the Vatican built to repel Muslim invaders, and the Vatican quickly shut up and put out a press release saying they weren't talking about Trump specifically. Literally not even God can stump him at this point.

Trump is absolutely winning it right now. He is way up in the polls.

When Hillary takes the DNC nomination, which she likely will since nobody wants to elect a socialist atheist like Bernie, we will see the most beautiful shitshow in the history of modern US politics. Now the dems opinion is that Hillary sweeps it because he has alienated women and minority voters. They think women will rally around Hillary like black voters rallied around Obama. But that's not true, Hillary is counting on enthusiasm she doesn't have. People are expecting Obama tier turnout for her and it isn't realistic. If this email thing gets serious, a lot of independents and even some dems will stay home.

Trump is going to go places that other candidates wouldn't dream of going against Hillary, and she is not at all prepared to deal with it. Look at how terribly she is handling Bernie's relatively civilized criticisms. Trump is going to air out every scrap of dirty laundry he can find on her. Stuff that's way over the line. Stuff like paying off Goldman Sachs employees in to breaking NDAs and going on record about what she said at her speeches. Digging up Bills accusers and putting them on stage. Bringing up bill and hillarys connection with Jeff Epstein. Airing out all her skeletons from the Whitewater and Watergate scandals, going to people who she paid off to keep quite and getting them on stage. A lot of people are going to eat that up.

He is going to bait Hillary. Now, Hillary is better than most at not getting her jimmies rustled, but I'm willing to get that if anybody can rustle her jimmies, it is Trump. That's what he does, and he might be one of the best of all time. If it happens, and Clinton loses her cool, her likability goes down the toilet. And she has absolutely nothing on Trump she can use. Anytime she calls him a racist, he just starts pulling out the thousands of minority employees whose livelihoods he is personally responsible for and whose brown children he is putting through college. Anytime she calls him a sexist, he pulls up a huge stream of women he has put in high up senior positions in his company. Anytime she calls him a meanie head to illegal immigrants, she just makes him look more alpha and like he's protecting America.

The GOP establishment will start to come around to Trump. Expect billions of dollars spent on attack adds. Expect GOP voter turnout numbers to reach all time highs. Expect record numbers of supporters coming out for rallies. Expect his numbers to continue rising every time they throw a "he's racist" ad hominem at him, his bluntness just making him look even more appealing to a nation tired of political correctness, safe spaces and constant white guilting. Expect a sweep and a Trump presidency for 8 glorious years. Expect Hillary to be immediately arrested and handcuffed personally by Trump himself once he's in office. Expect Redditors clogging the suicide watch phonelines. Expect TYT, Huffington Post and Slate to shut down from butthurt. Expect Glen Beck to blow his brains out on live TV. Expect millions of boners once Trump walks out to do his victory speech with his wife and Ivanka.

Expect a frenzy of high energy sex on January 20th, 2017 as America becomes great again.

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