Christmas came early! Woolworths has the cutest My Little Pony electric toothbrushes on sale.

You're not nice.

Perhaps I am show kindness in different ways. Sometimes when you show kindness you need to pull in the other direction before you can push themselves into positivist space.

I can't help someone whom says "I am feeling lonely at Christmas". You need to think "Whom can I spend Xmas and add value." or I am obsessive about being alone that just simple misdirect and distract you... It's unhealthy and alienate you

Atleast that what mindfulness and basic logic teaches you.

Take a look at this example. I seen a girl on reddit yesterday

Massive pimples and acme scars. She does a 180* realises that eating shitty food is unhealthy habit. She realises thats a problem, stop complaining then changes her diet and boost her self confidence that she can look a checkout person in the eye because started eating healthy.

Ask yourself where do I start to change my life and stop complaining

You seem like a very smart girl (whom apparently knows code... a+++ will buy again) and went thru the same problems over the past 3-4 years.

I was unhappy. But I didn't read some bad advice from /r/redpill and took control of myself

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