I have a cigarette addiction and it’s ruining my relationship.

I had my first cigarette when i was 12.I didnt smoke too often but due to my vulnerability to addiction, i still feel like i have cravings today even when my last smoke was 4 years ago. Firstly, suggest u should apologize to him saying that u were totally in the wrong. You should have been honest when u starting smoking again. Acknowledge that u broke his trust and that it will be some time before u can regain it. Build the self-discipline to not lie to him. If u feel like u r losing to ur addiction then tell him once he gives u another chance hopefully. Honesty is the key to building a healthy relationship in the long run. However, dont apologize immediately after the argument. Give him a little time and space to let go of his anger towards u. Once u feel like its the appropriate time, tell him.

To quit smoking, I would consider nicotine replacement therapy. Try some nicotine patches. They wont deliver the same amount of nicotine as regular smokes do, but it is worth a shot if u havent tried doing so. Feel free to put on many as u like at once. U can also smoke while applying them as u try to quit. I would suggest setting up a schedule that limits how many times u smoke per day, and set a certain quit date. Try to exercise, eat healthy, and have a positive mindset as u do so. I would suggest seeing a counselor for your family issues if u can. Convince ur family to perhaps consider this as well if u can. If they dont listen to u well, then convince people close to them whom they respect to try convincing them. The key to good counseling is to get as much people involved in the situation to be given advice.

Fyi, im a first year pharmacy student and wanted to be a counselor when i was younger :). I hope this advice helps!

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