Daily Discussion Thread | December 22, 2020

I was exposed to COVID as early as Dec 11 and as late as Dec 12. I noticed symptoms around Dec 16 and tested positive Dec 17. My wife noticed symptoms on Dec 17, tested negative on Dec 17, and tested positive Dec 20.

We’ve been quarantined together since Dec 15 when we found out about exposure. I now have no sense of smell and have barely noticeable sniffles. My wife seems to have the same symptoms. Both of our symptoms were at there worst on Dec 18 & 19.

If we both feel fine by the 25th is that too early to see immediate family? Outside, socially distanced, and with mask on?

If we were to take another rapid test (say tomorrow or Thursday) would they still show up positive? Do tests still show up positive if you’re not contagious?

/r/Coronavirus Thread