CMV: All objects only exist within our minds

Agree that matter is weird and the way matter and mind are said to interact is weird. But also think that many things are weird when we stop to think about them and the weirdness doesn't automatically mean those things don't exist but could just mean we aren't used to thinking of them in that way.

Agree that our culture teaches that matter is the default truth. I don't think the solution is to hold that matter doesn't exist but rather that it exists along with immaterial things.

This raises a good point. I felt like my view is more true than others because, to me, it's less strange than other metaphysical views. But, if my only criterion for a view's truth is its strangeness, it falls out of the realm of logic and into the realm of opinion. I'm usually on the defensive when people criticize my view for being weird, but if I think my view is the somehow more reasonable than other weird views, then I'm calling the kettle black.

This significantly changed how confident I am in my view, so you deserve a delta. ∆

Matter does have qualities. Extension and changability are two that come to mind.

I would say that extension and changeability are descriptions of mental experience. Color and extension are inseparable, since a one-dimensional color couldn't exist. The tactile experience of moving through space is also mental. The only things we experience changing are our perceptions.

Are you familiar with Aristotle's theory of abstraction? It is his explanation for how we know material things.

I'm not very familiar with it.

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