CMV I am poor and very unlikely to achieve my dreams, so why should I not kill myself?

I guess being courteous doesn't work on you, so maybe some tough love will?

This response, including many of your other responses, uses a straw man argument, where you misrepresent the initial argument in order to prove your own point. You seem to want people to tell you that your situation is hopeless so you can validate your "failure." And when that doesn't happen you become defensive.

Here's the reality. Very few people achieve their "dreams." Even if you do many of them may not be happy. Why is that? Because your brain is good at regulating your happiness provided you have the minimum to survive, as in food, shelter, and companionship. In fact, its been shown that many people who are good at their jobs, their job consequently becomes their passion, even if it's "just" a secretary. I highly suggest reading Cal Newport's blogs and books. His message is essentially skills will trump "passion" in being successful in your career, so you should focus on your skillet and the jobs will come. My point being, I would strive to be happy while working on your skillset, rather than try to find your passion. But, this won't come without hard work.

I also need more info. Do you have a 4 year degree? GPA? Prior work experience in college? Computer skills, and what are they? Do you live in a major city? Willing to relocate? How much debt are you in?

I apply to admin and secretary jobs, they don't want me either. I'll keep trying.

You likely need more skills and to apply to more jobs. My first internship took 100+ applications. The first job is always the hardest. Try a temp agency, that could get you some experience in an office setting.

Learn excel and vba. Not just casual use, pick up this book and read it front to back. Being a master at excel is a huge advantage in any office setting. If all else fails get a working visa and travel to a different country to clear your head. I just got back from New Zealand and they were paying $15-$20/hr for people with no skills. Teaching English is also popular.

In regards to everything else. Your anxiety is treatable, seek help. Your relationships are as well, for friends and boy/girlfriend. But, if this is your normal attitude, no one would want to be with you, so I can't say I'm surprised.

My qualifications: I didn't have a normal career 3-4 years ago in my mid twenties, and I went back to school and became an engineer.

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