CMV: Being opposed to race mixing is purely based on hate and is not a rational view

This wasn't written as a reply to your comment but I still think it kinda fits here. But first I'd like to give you a little !delta cause you've definitely got a very point there.

Each race is only unique in appearance and resistance to sunlight tho. And you're right about humans always finding something to bicker about. But no bickering No firm of discrimination is as exreme as racism. It's because someone's race is just so incredibly obvious. You can only judge someone for their religion or political views when they tell you about them. And then it's not like your being confronted with those views all the time when you're around them. You can start judging someone for being black the second you lay eyes on him however and he's staying black the entire time you're around him. We tend to have a certain fear or dislike of the unknown, and with race you see the unknown in someone before they can even introduce themselves.

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