CMV: Democracy is incompatible with captalism

...Democracy is incompatible with captalism (sic)

This statement of your position can be contrasted with a later one:

....Democracy means rule by the people, and we all know being rich is pretty much the only way to impact politics nowdays...

Which opens the door to the point that it isn't the principle of democracy, but it's application in the moment. Properly exercised democracy can achieve both the elimination of wealth interference in body politic and inject greater egalitarianism within the citizenry. The problem is therefore not democratic ideals, but the corruption of the practice. And the only answer to corruption rotting the system is unified resistance from the people. Therefore, apathy by the people is the greatest problem, since they haven't done their democratic duty of resisting the encroachment of wealthy interlopers.

The price of democracy is eternal vigilance

  • Thomas Jefferson
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