CMV: Flying cars will never (in the foreseeable future) be a thing

I think a lot of this perspective relies on the assumption flying cars will rely on the same technology as traditional aircraft.

Commercially we have magnetism being used as a viable way for transport in trains with a lot of real world advantages: less friction, more speed, less maintenance and electricity reliant as opposed to petrol. A lot of traditional flying cars in movies were these sort of hover cars, and solve a lot of the issues you mention.

Having a magnetic grid means:

You can have safety measures in place to monitor where cars are, and slow down/stop potential collisions.

Also theoretically means you can charter routes and take advantage of AI autopilots.

You do not require a runway.

Noise would be completely negligible.

We are a while away from this, particularly when considering how long to implement infrastructure, but it isn’t unfeasible to think this is possible in high density areas like cities.

This isn’t even considering those which could use the “air hoverboard” technology. If we have a breakthrough which allows it to be scaled upwards then it could be a viable alternative.

Yes, stringent laws would need to be put in place. But you don’t need everyone using these, in fact it can always be used to complement existing cars, if a small amount of competent users who pass tests start using them (and I imagine there would be a lot who would put in the hours to learn this and be qualified) it could take off the strain off of existing roads.

This technology also uses directional thrust (akin to a helicopter) so if possible would avoid runways and the issues of momentum and potential crashes.

Also, would severely reduce traffic as a lot of the issues around congestion is due to existing infrastructure and having roads not capable of taking the amount of cars required. You effectively have an infinitely wide runway to get to where you need.

You can always find ways to avoid collisions e.g. could be done only allowing you to travel in certain directions at different altitudes, etc.

I’m sure there are more, but these are some examples off existing technology (in its infancy but existing nonetheless). This prompt is definitely a fun thought experiment regardless

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