CMV: Gender Development is a Process that is only Indirectly influenced by your number of X or Y Chromosomes, and BPA and the Modern Lifestyle are Feminizing all Humans regardless of Chromosomes

In biology, chromosomes do not determine sex. Gametes do. If you have sperm and/or the organ that produces them, you are male. If you have ova and/or the organ that produces them, you are female.

Is there not a point in the life cycle of every human where we are just a single cell and have not yet developed genitalia and or eggs or sperm of our own? what determines our "gender" then?

You have nothing so far to suggest that the amount consumed by humans is significant enough to have a demonstrable effect. It reminds me of the issue of mercury and other potentially toxic chemicals in vaccines - in order to make a case that having that there (when it serves an important purpose) is bad, you would need to demonstrate that the dose a human gets is within the range of an effective dose, or is close to the lethal dose if there is no clear effect before death.

A fair point, I did not consider what the levels of hormones that our bodies produce actually are, so I researched it. I was unable to find the daily amount of hormones that women produce, but did find out that men produce anywhere from 5-20mg of testosterone per day on average. I doubt bisphenol A would ever be lethal, but I would imagine that far more than 5-20 mg's of bisphenol A leeches out of the lining of even a single can of aluminum. Considering that 5-20 mg's of testosterone a day that our body produces naturally is an "effective dose" to develop us into a man, I imagine the amount of bisphenol a we are exposed to is more than enough of an effective dose to developmentally feminize us. What are your thoughts?

Breast development and genital atrophy are two things that happen in this case that you would expect to see more commonly in the general population, if your claims were correct.

But we do see breast development and genital atrophy in the general population. Gynocamastia, or male enlargment of breasts is a very common diagnosis, and I also would contend that by looking at the developmental facial and bodily feminzation of mens bodies, it would correlate with the size of their genitals as well

Our body is always subject to sex hormones. Again going back to transgender people, the only difference between a 15-year-old on hormone therapy and a 30-year-old on hormone therapy is that the latter has already finished physical development, and therefore has physical traits established in puberty that are harder to reverse. The hormone therapy, ultimately, effects them in the same way.

I agree, and this is an interesting new way of thinking about it I haven't considered. I think that bisphenol a is basically a sex hormone therapy that companies are allowed to put their clients through without telling them that they are doing it. BPA doesn't need to be labeled on packaging, but effectively acts like a drug. It is forced drugging

"Physiological man"? They still have ovaries and ova. They are female by definition.

I think a better way to have described this would have been to say that I think women who were very physically active as children and teens would go through a less feminine puberty cycle, instead going through a more adrogenous, masculine tinted one. Girls who increase their testosterone daily with heavy activities would, by adulthood have deeper voices, more masculine faces, and brain development and hence more masculine features in general, including personality. Granted, a fetus inside the womb cannot engage in a workout regimen, and considering we all start as females in the womb, and females in the womb aren't necessarily going to be exposed to male sex hormones in the same way that male's in the womb are exposed to female mimicking hormones, I think it is safe to say most girls end up making it out of their mothers with the natural female gender expression and development of their genitals. That being said, if they do go through puberty with abnormally high levels of male hormones, they, if not being developmentally skewed towards masculine development, aka growing into a bit of a man instead of a woman for a few years, will be at least pulled away from the feminine more towards the middle, in terms of how their features flower in response to their respective levels of hormones, but at this point, you are correct, it is way to late for their genitals to switch over to the the male side.

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