What's the most insane coincidence you've experienced?

On the day my stepfather died, there were a ton of coincidences - I just didn't recognize them until later.

TL;DR version: I predicted the coroner would come to my house, and other indications from the golden girls that shit was about to happen.

So let's take a step back. One week prior, I was sitting on my porch with my bf, and we saw the county coroner pass my house in his car, which has the country coroner emblem on it. He passed by a bunch of times - maybe 5 or 6? I mad a joke one of the times that he was an angel of death, searching for his next victim. Promptly forgot about it that night.

In the morning on the day he died (one week later), I got up and went for a run. The way our house is situated, you could leave through the front or back door and take one of 2 roads - I left out the back and took a right down the road. If I had taken a left or gone out the front door, I would has seen that our road was blocked off at the other end, because they were shooting a commercial at a neighbor's house. Because it involved some politicians or something, there were lots of cops and a fire truck. While I was out running my stepfather had gotten up and left the house to go pick up a gun, so I never saw him that day.

Anyway, I get back from my run, get cleaned up, and go to work. While I was getting ready, I watched The Golden Girls, and the episode was about assisted suicide. Morbid, but socially important - I didn't pay a lot of attention but I remembered that distinctly. So I go to work, car is in front of the house so as I'm leaving I see a cop and ask what's going on - get the commercial explanation. When I get to work my bf at the time had called me multiple times, texted me like crazy, because his brother said something happened on my street but he didn't know what. I told him it was nothing - everything was fine at my house. They were filming a commercial down the street. Everything is okay.

So I'm at work like 12-9pm, I get done and grab a Irish soda bread to bring home for my stepfather (he was Irish and loved it, but that's not something i did a lot) when I get home there are cars in the driveway, people in the house. I come in the back door, past the basement door and into the kitchen where there's a group of 10 or so family and friends. Something had happened...my stepfather had shot himself in the basement. I think that was the last time I walked past the door for years afterward, couldn't look at it. He had killed himself at around 5 pm, after the commercial was filmed, before anyone came home. I guess after paramedics were called and they determined he had passed (bc of the way he shot himself he didn't die right away) they had to call the coroner to pronounce him and make arrangements to move the body. The coroner couldn't find our house, so it took him an hour to get there - my premonition came true. And they had to block off our street again, because of hysterical family and curious neighbors. So many coincidences.

/r/AskReddit Thread