CMV: Going on your SO's phone isn't a violation of privacy, as there should be no secrets anyway

What if your SO has a traumatic memory, like being sexually assaulted at a young age? Maybe you think you would comfort them, and make everything ok. But more likely you'd struggle to say anything at all because you have no way of relating to that experience, all while your SO is sobbing after revisiting one of the worst things someone can through. Do you real feel entitled to that information?

Yeah. I mean part of me is like "yeah I need to know everything, I love them". But it's pretty selfish to deny someone the chance to privately work out a traumatic memory they may have. It's a bit of a stretch to imagine how they'd be doing it on their phone.

Your whole post is based on your SO acting suspicious in some way, and how that justifies snooping. But I want to clarify, do you think it's ok to snoop even when everything is peachy, and nobody is warranting suspicion?

I don't suspect my SO is a cheater. I just sorta wondered how many people who have cheating spouses don't know, because they never bothered to look. But I supposed cheating isn't the sole reason why someone would want privacy on their phone.

Personally I don't really snoop on my SO's phone on a daily basis or anything nuts. I just check up on what apps he has and search history. Usually its vanilla stuff like "vape tricks" or "stuff I can do to my car".

Your whole post is concerned with how you might get hurt. You make no mention of how sharing certain information could hurt the other person.

To be honest it never crossed my mind. I never really had anything on my phone (nor found anything on his) that seems like it be particularly hurtful. Part of the ability for me to understand other peoples point of views is to understand it how I would feel. I assume that because Im okay with my SO knowing literally everything about me, he must feel the same way unless stated otherwise. He never really said "oh i want that private" nor has he said "oh here look at my life". I mean as far as I know we sort of agreed that my phone and his phone, when not in our hands (cause interupting a game/text is rude) is up for peeks. There was never any "no I dont really want you to look". I mean, in the beginning of our relationship there was, but that was over 2 years ago when we weren't as close.

I'm going to go a little off point, and mention how similar your stance on privacy is to that of the NSA in the wake of the Snowden leaks. The idea that if you aren't doing anything wrong, then you don't have anything to hide.

I mean, the views are parallel. I'll have to think about it more..

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