CMV: The Left is becoming the exact same thing it hates

So your first issue is that I define Left as “left of center.” It’s not clear why that’s unreasonable, as I would define right as right of center. (That said, I don’t adhere to r/l paradigms anyway, as they break down at the poles.) I can’t really help you then. If you’re going to define applicably broad classifications of political world views by really narrow subsets, that’s a separate discussion for another time.

As for your second point, I never claimed that morally maligning one’s opponents is the sole purview of the left, only that it is baked into the ideological cake, and helps explain why -per op - Leftist thought is able to categorically reject arguments from the right without addressing substance. Ben Shapiro doesn’t start riots and fires on campuses because student left wingers think he’s mistaken. And your last sentence, whether you mean to or not, helps illustrate my point.

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